Digital Impact API
Improve your own online texts with what the users really want!
This Digital Impact API is more than an SEO-API, it is the only “User Optimization” UO-API, which helps you to identify the most trendy and user-centric keyword demand on your text.
It shows you where digital demand (impact) is highest, medium and lowest measuring all searches on search engines, social media and e-shops in your own country and in your own language:
- Green wording: high demand by the user
- Orange wording: medium amount of user demand
- Red wording: low user demand

Please proceed with the following steps at login:
- Log in to the WordPress CMS.
- You will see the dashboard of WordPress after logging in.
- Please just click on “Post” on the left menu, then click on “Add New”.
- Please start editing your own text!
- Whenever you want to see the “digital impact colours” for your own text, you will simply need to save your draft, then click on the green “Measure Now” button on the foot!
- Every time you measure, the colours of the words may change depending on how interesting you are writing… 🙂
- If you would only like to test the impact of keywords, you might want to connect to and to measure them there including the detailed statistics.
- The data protection privacy and GDPR rules are fully respected.
Log in and test the Digital Impact API now: